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Hispanic Heritage Month With CASA

Tamara Wilson

CASA is proud to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, which is recognized September 15-October 15, 2021, but can be enjoyed all year round. Below is information on how we can become stronger advocates when working with Hispanic and Latino families, as well as resources, both nationally and locally compiled by National CASA/GAL as well as CASA Youth Advocates serving Delco and Checo communities. This list is not exhaustive and we encourage you to explore these as well as others that may be of interest to you.


Child Welfare Information Gateway – Working with Hispanic and Latino Families

Issues relevant to working with Hispanic and Latino families, including state and local examples.

Pew Research Center

NBC News

ORGANIZATIONS (National and Local)

United We Dream

For undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., facing discrimination can lead to living in fear. United We Dream works to transform that fear into finding a voice. They empower immigrant youth to develop their leadership, their organizing skills, and to develop their own campaigns at the local, state, and federal levels to fight for justice and dignity for immigrants and all people.

Hias Pennsylvania

HIAS Pennsylvania supports low-income immigrants of all backgrounds as they build new lives in our community. Through immigration legal services and an array of social services, we work to address their needs, defend their rights, and advocate for their equitable inclusion in American society.

Multicultural Community Family Services, Inc.

Multicultural Community Family Services, Inc. MCFS works towards improving the social determinants of health for seniors, children, youth and families thru the delivery of culturally targeted community health, education, advocacy, immigration supports, professional development and youth soccer programs. Their mission is toempower diverse individuals, children, youth and families to gain a greater capacity to succeed in their communities.


LCH Health and Community Services (previously known as La Comunidad Hispana) offers specialized & primary care to Kennett Square, West Grove, Oxford, and the surrounding communities of southern Chester County. We pride ourselves on being a diverse, dynamic care team that is dedicated to addressing the medical needs of our community and helping adults, teens, and children to stay healthy.

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